Recommended Books
All-in-One Overviews
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn (Revised, Expanded Edition): The Complete Guide (2010)
by Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley and Ann Keppler
Comprehensive in-depth resource manual with clear and accurate information, helpful illustrations and tools, and solid practical advice.
Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth
by Sheila Kitzinger
Sheila consistently produces books that are easy to read, focused on mother and baby centered care, and packed full of information. This book is no exception! Although Sheila is based in the UK her writing style appeals to women everywhere. The photographs thoughout her book show positive images of women in labor, reinforcing the message that birth is normal. Extensively revised to reflect the latest in scientific research and cultural trends, an authoritative guide to pregnancy and childbirth provides all the information women need to make decisions about prenatal tests, pain control, and how and where to give birth.
Great Expectations: Your All-in-One Resource for Pregnancy and Childbirth (2004)
by Sandy Jones, Marcie Jones, and Claire Westdahl
Friendly, accessible guidebook providing solid information and advice about many topics from pregnancy testing to early weeks of life with a newborn.
Home Birth: A Practical Guide
by Nicky Wesson
A perfect balance of practical information and personal stories, Home Birth is essential reading for couples considering the alternative to a hospital birth. Childbirth educator
Wesson shows how having your baby in your own home can be the most fulfilling thing you'll ever do. While some information is UK-based, much of the book is also relevant to US readers.
Culture and Politics of Childbearing and Maternity Care
Pushed: The Painful Truth about Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care (2007)
by Jennifer Block
A journalist reports on her investigation to understand why maternity care in the United States is poorly suited to needs of most mothers and babies. Includes voices of mothers, health professionals, researchers and advocates.
Planning for Pregnancy
Before Your Pregnancy: A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy Conception (2002)
by Amy Ogle and Lisa Mazzullo
Comprehensive manual to help couples understand and influence the many factors before and shortly after conception that affect the developing embryo and fetus. Covers lifestyle habits, nutrition, exercise, body weight, gynecologic and overall health, fertility, work and home environments, genetics, preconception care, and financial planning.
Having a Healthy and Comfortable Pregnancy
The New Zealand Pregnancy Book
by Sue Pullon, Cheryl Benn
The New Zealand Pregnancy Book has been used by many thousands of parents since the first edition was published in 1991. The third edition has been comprehensively rewritten by GP author Sue Pullon, along with midwife Cheryl Benn. New emphasis is placed on matters such as: the range of birth options; midwife care; the role of fathers; testing in pregnancy; antenatal care; fertility support; and more.
Continuous Support During Childbirth
The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions (3rd edition, 2008)
by Penny Simkin
Wise resource to help your spouse/partner, friend or another companion give you the special and powerful gift of continuous support as you give birth. Includes many labor "comfort measures" and strategies for difficult labors that can make all the difference for you.
Giving Birth
HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method: A natural approach to a safe, easier, more comfortable birthing (3rd Edition)
by Marie F. Mongan
In this easy-to-understand guide, HypnoBirthing founder Marie Mongan explodes the myth of pain as a natural accompaniment to birth. She proves through sound medical information that it is not our bodies but our culture that has made childbirth a moment of anguish, and that when we release the fear of birth, a fear that is keeping our bodies tense and closed, we will also release the pain.
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide To Natural Childbirth And Gentle Early Parenting Choices (2008)
by Sarah Buckley
Using medical and epidemiological research plus women's experiences, this work demonstrates that 'undisturbed birth' is almost always healthier and safer than hospital births. An authoritative guide to natural childbirth and postpartum parenting options from an MD who home-birthed her own four children. Sarah Buckley might be called a third-wave natural birth advocate. A doctor and a mother, she approaches the question of how a woman and baby might have the most fulfilling birth experience with respect for the wisdom of both medical science and the human body. Her wise counsel on issues like breastfeeding and sleeping during postpartum helps extend the gentle birth experience into a gentle parenting relationship.
The Official Lamaze Guide: Giving Birth with Confidence (2nd Edition 2010)
by Judith Lothian and Charlotte DeVries
Supports you in enhancing your body's own ability to give birth and avoiding side effects of unneeded interventions. This new edition has been updated to reflect the latest evidence-based research on pregnancy and childbirth. Lamaze believes that all women have the right and the responsibility to get complete and accurate information about pregnancy and birth, and to choose what’s best for them and their babies based on that information.
A Good Birth, A Safe Birth : Choosing and Having the Childbirth Experience You Want
by Diana Korte
This is an excellent book that focuses on the choices that are most likely to lead to a positive and safe outcome for mother and baby. It is highly recommended as a book for women who are planning a VBAC to read. A Good Birth, A Safe Birth covers the pros and cons of today's childbirth options and helps the expectant mother plan each stage of her pregnancy and delivery. It offers tips on how to find the right doctor or midwife - and how to avoid the wrong one. It explores the various childbirth environments, including hospital, birthing center, and home.
Active Birth : The New Approach to Giving Birth Naturally
byJanet Balaskas
This is a classic book from Janet Balaskas, the founder of the Active Birth Centre in the UK. Written for women who are looking for an active birth experience it provides many tips and ideas. Recommends squatting, sitting, and kneeling postions for childbirth, explains the advantages of this approach, and demonstrates helpful stretching exercises.
Effects of Maternity Interventions, Making Informed Decisions
A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy & Childbirth (3rd edition, 2000)
by Murray Enkin, Marc J.N.C. Keirse, James Neilson, Caroline Crowther, Lelia Duley, Ellen Hodnett and Justus Hofmeyr
Widely-respected and -consulted overview of best research evidence. Complete (and free) online version is available from Childbirth Connection on this website.
Cesarean and VBAC
Birthing Normally After a Caesarean or Two: A Guide for Pregnant Women; Exploring Reasons and Practicalities for VBAC (2011)
by Hélène Vadeboncoeur.
Part 1 focuses on the decision to plan a vaginal birth after cesarean or to plan a repeat cesarean, and Part 2 focuses on preparing for a safe, successful VBAC.
Understanding the Dangers of Cesarean Birth: Making Informed Decisions (2008)
by Nicette Jukelevics
Has sections on impact of cesarean section on women and babies, common reasons for cesarean, reducing risks for cesarean, and changing the status quo.
The Essential C-Section Guide: Pain Control, Healing At Home, Getting Your Body Back--And Everything Else You Need To Know About (2004)
by Maureen Connolly, Dana Sullivan
A comprehensive guide to cesarean birth and recovery shares candid, researched information on such topics as anesthesia, caring for an infant during recovery, pain management, dealing with the emotional impact of the surgery, and the impact of a C-section on future births.
The Nursing Mother's Companion (6th edition: 25th Anniversary Edition, 2010)
by Kathleen Huggins
Information, support and practical troubleshooting to help you through all the phases of breastfeeding: planning, first week, first 2 months, months 2-6, months 6-12, and nursing a toddler. With appendices on medication safety and nursing mother resources.
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers: The Most Comprehensive Problem-Solution Guide to Breastfeeding from the Foremost Expert in North America (Revised & Updated Edition, 2006)
by Jack Newman and Teresa Pitman
Breastfeeding support: why breastfeed, how to deal with many specific challenges, how to work breastfeeding into your life.
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: 8th Revised Edition (2010)
by La Leche League International
Amazon Description: All parents want the best for their babies, and there’s no doubt about the fact that human milk is the ideal food for human babies. What’s the secret of successful
breastfeeding? For almost fifty years mothers who have been in touch with La Leche League have found the kind of information and support they needed to breastfeed their babies. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding was the first book of its kind, written for mothers by mothers. Over the years, more than two million mothers have turned to it for information and inspiration.
New Mothers' Health and Wellness
Mothering the New Mother: Women's Feelings and Needs after Childbirth, a Support and Resource Guide (revised and updated 2nd edition, 2000)
by Sally Placksin
Helps you understand the special nature of the postpartum period, get needed support, have a successful breastfeeding experience, recognize and address depression, make the transition back to your employment or settle in at home, and help any older children adjust to your changing family.
Newborn/Infant Health and Well-Being
The Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby From Birth to Age Two (revised and updated, 2003)
by William Sears and Martha Sears
Comprehensive overview from preparing for your new baby to newborn care and family adjustment to meeting your baby's nutritional, sleep and emotional needs. Covers infant and toddler development, employment and parenthood, health and safety.
The Attachment Parenting Book: A Commonsense Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Child (2001)
by William Sears and Martha Sears
Makes the case for the value of a nurturing parenting style emphasizing physical and emotional connection, and provides guidance for parents who choose this path.
Fathering Right from the Start: Straight Talk about Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond (2001)
by Jack Heinowitz
About fathers' experiences of expectant, new and continuing parenthood. Thoughtful discussion about feelings, involvement, partner and parent relationships, and adapting to changes in family life.
Survivors of Early Sexual Abuse
When Survivors Give Birth: Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early Sexual Abuse on Childbearing Women (2004)
by Penny Simkin and Phyllis Klaus
Helps the many survivors of sexual abuse (and health professionals who work with them) understand how this experience can impact pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum experience and helps them address challenges of childbearing.
Loss, Grief, Trauma
Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby (revised and expanded edition, 1996)
by Deborah L. Davis
Information, coping strategies and personal stories for bereaved families experiencing loss throughout the childbearing cycle. Covers interaction with and memorializing your baby, emotions and physical recovery, and subsequent pregnancy, birth and parenting.